On 8 November 1942, 200 warships and 140 transport ships landed 107,000 men on the coast of Algeria and Morocco. It was “Operation Torch”, the largest landing of all time, before Normandy. It was to shorten the Second World War and change the face of the world. Also known as the “Three Day War”, Operation Torch was a success in particular because the surprise effect played to the full. The imposing armada that left the American and English coasts was only discovered by the Germans and their French allies at the very last moment
Several dozen U Boote were lying in wait at the bottom of the ocean, between Portugal, the Madeira archipelago and the Canary Islands, in the area crossed by the ships of Operation Torch… so how was this possible? How could the hundreds of ships in the operation have slipped through the net set by the German submarines?
Most accounts of the period state that the Allied ships escaped the submersibles because they were in pursuit of the SL 125 convoy, but the authors of these accounts claim that this was simply a coincidence. Only a few historians claim that the passage of this SL 125 convoy through the area could not have been accidental Was it sacrificed by the Allies in October 1942 to allow the landing of Operation Torch troops?
We invite you to a fantastic investigation into this World War II mystery! Help us to unravel this secret which seems to be only a detail of the greatest conflict in history but which had the greatest consequences. A detail? Yes, but of the greatest importance!
Was it a coincidence or a lie? That would be the question. Yes, was it chance or a lie that led the German submarines to attack convoy SL 125, to send eleven of its ships to the bottom and to kill more than 400 people of all nationalities, including 260 sailors of the French liner Président Doumer?
Were these poor buggers just some of the many victims of the conflict or were they heroes in spite of themselves who were sent to an almost certain death to win the war?
We will conduct this investigation, make this film and publish this book to shed light on this dark side of the Second World War and to do justice to these forgotten sailors We will not judge anyone, but we will simply try to find out the truth!